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Christ Embassy Live Service

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

President Buhari tells his ministers to ‘defend this government vigorously, go on the offensive, blow our trumpets’

 The president has asked his ministers and aides not to allow politically motivated activists win the communication and information battle.

President Muhammadu Buhari has asked his ministers and aides to yank off the gloves and defend the administration with all the vigour they can muster.

In his closing remarks at the first year ministerial performance review retreat which held at the State House in Abuja on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, the president said his administration has achieved “progress on all fronts.”

“From the report on the scorecard and engagement with participants at this retreat, it is encouraging to note that progress has been made on all fronts, in spite of the multiple challenges that have arisen since our coming to office.

I therefore commend your efforts, commitment and resilience to the cardinal aspiration of this administration. As I stated in my opening remarks yesterday, ‘the Nigerian people expect dedication and commitment by all of us in implementing policies, programmes and projects to improve the quality of their lives and set Nigeria on the path of prosperity.

Let me reassure all Nigerians that this administration remains resolute in initiating programmes aimed at improving the quality of lives and uplifting 100 million Nigerians out of poverty over the next ten years,” he said.

The president charged his ministers to accelerate development in nine priority areas and to go toe-to-toe with opposition elements and politically motivated activists in the media and communication space.

“Within these few days we have examined the numerous policies, programmes and projects the administration has embarked upon which are targeted at lifting our people from the shackles of poverty, protect their lives and properties and ensure equitable distribution of the nation’s wealth.

“I have to charge all of you to defend the government vigorously and not allow irresponsible and politically motivated activists to keep spreading patent falsehoods about this government.

"Information to the public should be better packaged. Go on the offensive. We are proud of our achievements and we should blow our own trumpets,” Buhari said.

Talking heads of the Buhari administration have already set out their stalls to deal with the dissent that has greeted recent hikes in the price of electricity and petrol.


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